Liquid Termite Treatments –
Termites are a very real threat to homes and building structures throughout the United States. Termites cause more damage to homes and building structures in the United States than weather related storms and fires combined. A typical acre can have as many as 14 subterranean termite colonies and as many as 1 million termites per colony. Therefore, a typical home is within striking distance of 4-5 million termites at any time.
While exposed wood that is in contact with the ground is an easy target, termites will build mud tunnels or tubes to reach sources of wood several feet above the ground. They can also enter a home through cracks in concrete walls, floors or expansion joints in slabs. Therefore, sealing a home to prevent a termite infestation is virtually impossible, without an effective termite treatment.
A liquid termite treatment creates an invisible barrier around the perimeter of a home or structure that is undetectable. Termites unknowingly will ingest the insecticide while they eat or pick it up on their bodies and then transfer the active ingredient back to their colony. This transfer effect is a very effective Pest Management treatment for eradication of infestations and in protecting a home or structure from further damage. The Pest Guys offers a 20-year peace of mind warranty (best in the industry) for termite protection of your home, please call us at (618) 537-2400 for details or click the link below.
The Pest Guys use an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for our pest control services. For more information, please click on the link, Principals of IPM.
There are no obligations and estimates are always free. To get started we will need some basic address and contact information.
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Termite FAQ’s
What treatment methods are used to control termites?
The two most common options are either liquid treatments or bait stations.
Which termite service is best in protecting my home?
Both of our termite services (bait stations & liquid treatments) are highly effective in protecting a home from termites, however, our licensed and trained pest control professionals will suggest a termite control program that is the right level of protection for your home or a treatment approach of any activity found at the time of an inspection.
What are the most common signs of termites?
Termite damage is typically found within the inner walls of a home or structure and can be difficult to know if a termite problem exist. However, there are three warning signs to look for to help determine if indeed there is a problem:
Hollow Wood – Check for termites by using a solid object like a hammer and tapping wood surfaces around windows, doors, baseboard, flooring, floor joists and other exposed wood. Damaged wood will sound hollow and extremely damaged wood will fall apart or the hammer head will easily penetrate the surface.
Mud Tubes – Termites will create mud tubes as a means for shelter for their travel routes over exterior surfaces like concrete, brick or other non-wood materials. These mud tubes are in similar size to a drinking straw and can be several feet in length allowing termites a means to enter a home or building structure.
Termites, Dead or Alive – Look around windows, doors, heating and cooling vents, bathrooms and light fixtures. Dead or live termites or termite wings are often the first sign of a termite infestation.
How long do termites live?
Studies have shown that worker termites only live for 1 – 2 years while a queen termite can live up to 50 years.
My home was inspected and no termites were found, should I still schedule a termite treatment?
Yes, a termite infestation can go unnoticed until a serious problem exists. 80% of the wood they eat is hidden within walls and can be difficult to detect. Some of our treatment plans can provide up to 20 years of protection as it is better to proactively keep your home safe before their destruction is noticed.
Will a builder of a new home protect it from termites?
Typically not, unless you or your mortgage lender has specifically requested a soil pre-treatment for control of subterranean termites during construction.
How often should I have my home inspected for termites?
We recommend an annual inspection.
Can termites make their way through concrete?
Termites can get through a crack of only 1/32nd of an inch and will typically enter through cracks and penetration points such as plumbing and electrical. Termite can’t go through solid concrete, but can make mud tubes for travel route around solid surface.
Can termites create a colony within a building structure?
Not very likely as the inside of a structure typically will not have enough moisture for survival of a termite colony. While a building structure can provide a suitable food source, worker termites will travel back and forth from a building structure to a colony in the ground.
Why do winged termites lose their wings?
Winged termites or swarmers will only fly short distances from their nest to build a new colony. Once that is accomplished they lose their wings.